-    J P   D O N N A V O N     - 
S P A C E   L A U N C H   S Y S T E M 

J.P. Donovan, an innovative construction company located on the Space Coast, won a NASA contract worth $20.7 million to modify the mobile launcher that would enable the Agency’s Space Launch System (SLS) heavy-lift rocket to send humans to an asteroid, and ultimately, Mars.
L O G O  D E S I G N     //     B A N N E R   D E S I G N     //     I L L U S T R A T I O N     //     A P P A R E L
-    J P   D O N N A V O N     - 
S P A C E   L A U N C H   S Y S T E M 

With the new and exciting prospects of a Mars mission, J.P. Donovan approached me with the need for a logo to represent their upcoming project. At the time, one of the SLS’s first voyages would have seen it arrive on the moon, which is where I took inspiration. I designed the logo in the same family as my Apollo 50 anniversary logo and used the moon as the main element. Its shape was drawn from previous NASA mission patches, and its colors represented both Mars’ and Earth’s most prominent colors, orange and blue.​​​​​​​
J  P   D O N N A V O N     - 
L A U N C H   B A N N E R S 

For the launch event, a banner would be draped alongside the construction erected by the company. This concept was created with the idea for two worlds to be within arms reach of each other; where Mars feels closer to us than it ever has before.​​​​​​​
-    J P   D O N N A V O N     - 
S L S   L A U N C H   T - S H I R T S
